After listening to this podcast, listeners should be able to: Develop a differential diagnosis for heavy, irregular vaginal bleeding. Outline the diag…
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The objectives of this two-part podcast are to: ● Discuss the prevalence, current trends, and motivations behind FGC ● Describe the different types of…
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The objectives of this two-part podcast are to: Discuss the prevalence, current trends, and motivations behind FGC Describe the different types of FGC…
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By the end of today’s episode, the learner will be able to: Describe Surgical approaches used for male gender affirming surgery, including metoidiopla…
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By the end of today’s episode, the learner will be able to: Describe the pre-operative considerations relating to gender affirming surgery Outline the…
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By the end of today’s episode, the learner will be able to: Describe basic terms relating to about the transgender community Comfortably use inclusive…
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In recent times, the terms “equity, diversity, and inclusion” or “EDI” have become buzzwords for academic institutions to demonstrate their commitment…
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After listening to this episode, learners should be able to: Describe the typical clinical presentation of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Explain t…
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After listening to this episode, learners should be able to: • Describe the typical clinical presentation of mallet finger • Explain the pathophysiolo…
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After listening to this episode, learners should be able to: Describe the typical clinical presentation of Dupuytren’s contracture Explain the pathoph…
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